LIVMB.COM.SG was registered 3 years ago through VOOJU PTE LTD, it is expired at 2 years ago.
The registrant named WHAT BOX? LLP who was listed on 8 other domains.
The administrative contact named DING NAI WEI - who was listed on 1 other domains.
The technical contact named WHAT BOX? LLP who was listed on 8 other domains.
The contact email [email protected] is also listed on 9 other domains.
Server is located at North West with ip address There are no other websites hosting on this ip.
Registration Date | 2021-09-15 05:55:59 |
Modified | 2021-09-18 08:35:16 |
Expiry Date | 2022-09-15 05:55:59 |
Registrar | VOOJU PTE LTD |
Registrant | WHAT BOX? LLP (SGNIC-ORG2270776) |
Administrative | DING NAI WEI - (SGNIC-PER20409787) |
Technical | WHAT BOX? LLP (SGNIC-ORG2270776) |
Contact Email | [email protected] |
IP | |
IP Location | Singapore North West |
ISP | Vodien Internet Solutions Pte Ltd |
Hosting Organization | Vodien Internet Solutions Pte Ltd |
AS | AS38719 Dreamscape Networks Limited |
Domain Status | OK VerifiedID@SG-Mandatory VerifiedID@SG-OK (VERIFIED BY ADMIN CONTACT) |